My very first tattoo was a wooden cross with a vine and a blue flower on my hip. Since having Cadence and not losing the weight, it's a little distorted. I plan on getting it touched up once I am done having kids and lose all of the weight. I got this when I was 19.
My second tattoo was the Angel on my back. I am not done with this one yet.I plan on having the words " My Lil' Angels" added along with all of my kids name in their birthstone color. Since I am not done having kids yet, I am holding off on getting Cadence's name added. Obviously, this one came after Cadence was born.No this is NOT a tramp stamp...what a horrible name for a tattoo.
My third tattoo was in two sessions. I lost my Papa (grandpa) 11-17-2007 and it seemed like my world fell apart. I was extremely close with him and took this very hard. On 11-10-2008, I had the first part of a memorial portrait done. I had thought long and hard about what I wanted and came up with a wonderful design. The heart is made of fishing poles and his dates are on the handles. His picture was one that I had taken at a car show in LaGrange of Cadence in his lap. The background color is an early morning sunrise...he passed at 7:30 in the morning and at the time I was in Indiana. I immediately snapped a picture of the sunrise when I got the call...Papa's Sunrise.... I went back on 1-8-2009 to get the color work. I love it!
My most recent tattoo was completed in July 2010. I had lost a pregnancy and was devastated. I was extremely lost and confused. Not only was I having to deal with the fact that I could have been carrying twins, but I also had to deal with the idea that I could have cancer. I am still working on those issues. This tattoo means a lot as well. I came up with the idea for this tattoo before I had the D & C and knew that I was getting it and exactly where I was going to put it. The feet are purple because the birthstone for February is Amethyst. I would have been due 2-18-2011.I got the stars because I knew that they were in Heaven. Green is one of my favorite colors. I know that I have them waiting for me. The tattoo is close to my heart, which is where they will always be!
My tattoo's are very meaningful and important to me. I do not get them for anyone else or to show off. In a strange way the last two have helped me. I know that my Papa is probably in Heaven holding my babies until I arrive and I am ok with that. I have my moments from time to time, but who doesn't!