
Before you pass judgement, tattoo's do not make the person. To me tattoo's have a very special meaning and are beautiful works of art. Each person has their own opinion of what is and isn't beautiful. Each one of us like different things so just because you may not like something does not mean that I will share the same beliefs you do. With that being said, I have four tattoo's and yes I would like to get more within time. Each one of them has a special meaning behind them. I did not get them for anyone else or to show off as something cool. They are for me!

My very first tattoo was a wooden cross with a vine and a blue flower on my hip. Since having Cadence and not losing the weight, it's a little distorted. I plan on getting it touched up once I am done having kids and lose all of the weight. I got this when I was 19.

My second tattoo was the Angel on my back. I am not done with this one yet.I plan on having the words " My Lil' Angels" added along with all of my kids name in their birthstone color. Since I am not done having kids yet, I am holding off on getting Cadence's name added. Obviously, this one came after Cadence was born.No this is NOT a tramp stamp...what a horrible name for a tattoo.

My third tattoo was in two sessions. I lost my Papa (grandpa) 11-17-2007 and it seemed like my world fell apart. I was extremely close with him and took this very hard. On 11-10-2008, I had the first part of a memorial portrait done. I had thought long and hard about what I wanted and came up with a wonderful design. The heart is made of fishing poles and his dates are on the handles. His picture was one that I had taken at a car show in LaGrange of Cadence in his lap. The background color is an early morning sunrise...he passed at 7:30 in the morning and at the time I was in Indiana. I immediately snapped a picture of the sunrise when I got the call...Papa's Sunrise.... I went back on 1-8-2009 to get the color work. I love it!

My most recent tattoo was completed in July 2010. I had lost a pregnancy and was devastated. I was extremely lost and confused. Not only was I having to deal with the fact that I could have been carrying twins, but I also had to deal with the idea that I could have cancer. I am still working on those issues. This tattoo means a lot as well. I came up with the idea for this tattoo before I had the D & C and knew that I was getting it and exactly where I was going to put it. The feet are purple because the birthstone for February is Amethyst. I would have been due 2-18-2011.I got the stars because I knew that they were in Heaven. Green is one of my favorite colors. I know that I have them waiting for me. The tattoo is close to my heart, which is where they will always be!

My tattoo's are very meaningful and important to me. I do not get them for anyone else or to show off. In a strange way the last two have helped me. I know that my Papa is probably in Heaven holding my babies until I arrive and I am ok with that. I have my moments from time to time, but who doesn't!