Tuesday, September 18, 2012

New Start

So it has been 4 months since my last post. I need to improve and make time just for me! I am slowly changing some of the things in my life one day at a time. One of those being the need to lose my baby weight. While I have lost a little more than half, I have hit a wall only because I stopped counting calories and exercising once my husband was transferred home. My baby is about to start daycare next week...not looking forward to it, but I have no other choice and I am thankful she has been with me at work this long. This creates another time constraint for the morning. Before I would get up at 5 am and exercise before getting my girls up and ready for the day. Then my husband came home and I would rather spend the time cuddling. Now that I will have to drop off at daycare, my 5 am workout will be spent getting everything else ready in the morning. So I have a few options, 1) I can suck it up and get up at 4:30 to get in a 30 minute workout that will give me energy for the day 2) Just start working out at night, which is almost as hectic as the morning or 3) Do nothing and live with my size.

I have lived with the size for long enough and I have lived with fluctuating 2-3 lbs over the last month. Option 3 is not a choice! Before the birth of my second daughter, I spent time running and loved it. Just like anything else, I have used busy weekends as an excuse for not running. Now that fall is here, I intend to start running at least every Saturday as long as there is nice weather. Now I just have to figure out the cardio stuff....hhhhhmmmm... I honestly would prefer to lose 30 minutes of sleep in order to have the extra family time at night. I guess I have made my mind up. I'm going to attempt and set an attainable goal of getting up at least 3 times per week at 4:30 to exercise and run (really re-train) on Saturday morning. Since today is Tuesday and I did not exercise today, looks like the next three days will be early mornings.

As a mom, your children's lives consume yours. I do not mind it at all, but I know that I am not happy right now and I do not want to give up on my goal. I have also never been one to wear make-up or get all dress up for no reason. I have realized that I do not need a reason, honestly, I am the reason that I should do that stuff. It would make me feel nice and look nice. I have also found many ideas on Pinterest that I would like to make as far as clothing or accessories as well as other stuff for the house. Since we do not have extra money right now, it's time for me to start re purposing stuff. Here comes another goal, I want to try to make 2-3 things per month.

Wow, I have a full plate, but in the end I know it will be worth it and more quality time will be spent with my family instead of just sitting in front of the tv doing nothing!

Wish me luck!

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