Monday, November 15, 2010

Tick, Tick, Tick

According to my ticker, I have 3 months and 3 days left until I reach my goal date. SO I have lost a month, but there is still time to get on track and get things moving. I know that I really need to focus on studying for the exam and prepare the house for Thanksgiving. My exam is Thursday so I will most def. make the time by then to get up and exercise in the morning. I will need to move my alarm clock and so on...

With time, anything is possible!

Too long....

I have fallen behind on everything. It's my fault and I could use the excuse of no time or trying to get things done at home, but I'm not going to. I am not at all on track for lossing weight....again my fault, but things come up and happen. I know what I need to do and I just need to do it. This week is going to be a little intense....the start of Medicare, trying to get things cleaned up for Thanksgiving and I will be taking my LIfe & Health Ins. Exam....The pressure is on. I am thankful that Greg is back in St. Louis and he should be home this weekend for a visit. Two months is too long....I think the water heater is now working...hopefully it will continue to work. Time to focus on the important things in

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


The last few days have been very bumpy. I have had family stuff going on, but to give a snap shot of car broke down in the worst possible area. We were coming home from Huber's and it died on the bridge. Luckily, I had my Dad, brother and uncle with me. They pushed me off. We checked everything ...considering I just put a brand new battery in it that morning. After 15 minutes, we were able to get it started and go. Low and behold, it died again on 71! It only cost $374....I am trying to stay postive about things so it could have been much worse and we are all ok.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Delayed No More...

I have gotten off to a slow start, but there is always room for improvement. Greg got a Wii for us with the Wii Fit Plus. I got everything hooked up last night and started to mess with it. It's going to be very helpful and a great tool to have especially with winter coming up.

I had good intentions this morning to get up early and excerise, but it did not work out quite so well. Cadence was up twice during the night. Tomorrow starts the weekend and a headstart to get a routine going. I am really excited about the weekend. Cadence and I are going to Huber's on Sunday to pick pumpkins!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


There are so many ways to overcome the hurdles in life. You can run right through them, jump over them or go around them. One way or another you have to get past them. I had a doctor's appointment today. Each time I go in, I have to overcome the flood gate of memories that come with the reason I am there. Today was the first time back at my original doctor. They also took me to the exam room that I was last in when they confirmed my pregnancy. As I sat alone in the room, I flashed back and played everything over in my I was sitting on the exam table, how I was smiling and how I was sooooooo excited. I remember discussing my intense symptoms then leaving and walking to the ultrasound room.

I also have not lived up to my commitment of exercising. Things have been crazy and I know that is no excuse. I am trying to improve that.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Mixed Emotions

Tomorrow is a big day for one of my besties. I could not be happier for her and I know we all can choose our moods, but I am not sure how I am going to react tomorrow. See, tomorrow is her baby shower and we were about a month apart. I have often thought about the milestones during a pregnancy and where I would be and what would be happening. By no means am I jealous at all and I can't wait to meet the little guy. I am just afraid of what emotions may come up being around the baby stuff knowing that I no longer....well you know. Tomorrow is also going to be 3 months since my surgery and I go in on this comin up Tuesday for a blood screening. So many things going on in my world it seems like....I kinda feel like a bingo ball...I am just being blown all over the place with the new things of settling back in to my home, being away from my husband, still dealing with the loss of the pregnancy and so on. I know that God does not give you more than you can handle and I am just trying to view everything as a learning opportunity.

First Week Trouble

Ok, so this week was a total bomb. I did not exercise at all and I did not eat as well as I should have. Lessons learned from this week: 1) I need to make it a point to get up earlier in the morning to exercise 2) Now that we are mostly settled in the house, Cadence and I need to talk some nightly walks or something as long as it's not too cold 3) I need to better manage my time. I will try to improve on those things this week. At the same time, Cadence and I are getting into a routine in the mornings so that will help as well. I hope to show improvement this week.

Friday, October 1, 2010

A Fresh New Start

Wow....I have had so much going on this last week it has been unreal. Cadence and I just moved back into our house and I am so happy to be there. I have been unpacking and trying to get a lot done. Needless to say, we are still somewhat living out of boxes. I really need to find my workout stuff. LOL.

Today is the start to a new month and a new beginning. I am hoping to reach my goal 20 weeks from today. I plan on working really hard to get there and doing what it takes. I have already recorded my starting weight goes nothing. Wish me luck!

Monday, September 20, 2010

Weight Loss Goal

I have decided that 2-3 pounds per week is a good goal to set. It is also the healthy way. If I can lose 2-3 pounds per week, then by the time my due date will arrive I should have lost 40-60 pounds! That sounds huge and would be such an accomplishment for me. I know it will take a lot of hard work and time, but I need to start doing something productive until I no longer have to worry about the possibility of cancer and can get the all clear from the doctor. Holiday's and hitting a plateau will be hard, but I am determined. Instead of viewing it as the day I would have been holding a gift from God in my arms, I can reflect on the hurdles that I will have overcome and the fact that I will be a healthier person. I will have 20 weeks from Oct. 1st to reach my goal and no matter the exhaustion or pain, I WILL make my goal! I have a counter at the bottom of my page counting down the time and it will serve as a reminder of how close I am to reaching my goal!

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Website Recommendation

So I apparently also need to figure out how to add additional information to the pages I have set up. LOL. I will figure it out along the way.

I just wanted to share a website that has been shared with me. Since we will be supporting two households, funds will be a little tighter so I am always looking for ways to save on groceries, but not junk food. offers meal plans on families of different sizes and dietary needs. It does cost $15 for 3 months, but it gives you super simple and easy meal plans plus if you select a plan from a certain store listed, it also gives you the weekly cost of the groceries. It's a win-win. I am going to sign up for the low-fat 5 day menu for two from Wal-mart. Most of the time it will just be Cadence and I having dinner and even when Greg is in town, this will still be enough. I will let you all know how it is going once I get started.


I am new to using a blog. I am still trying to figure things out so be patient. I would like to make a slide show of progress along my way, but it appears that I can only download a slide show using an url instead of selecting pictures from my computer. So for the time, I am just going to take pictures and post them one at a time with an update. If anyone has any suggestions for how to set up the slide show, please share. Thank you.

The BIG day is coming...

So....Cadence and I are moving back to Ky this week for various reasons. Unfortunately, Greg will have to stay in Mo until he can get transferred. After we are settled in, I am going to get this up and going. I will be back in about a week or so.