Sunday, January 30, 2011

80 days and counting

Today was a really nice day. We lounged and went to his parents for dinner. Tomorrow will be eventful. He is running some errands and taking Cadence to the dentist. Plus he is going back to St. Louis tomorrow. :-( I hope and pray every single day that his transfer gets approved and he can come home. It would be the first day job that he has had since I don't know when. We have never had the experience of both of us being home every night and weekend...well we did in St. Louis, but that is different. We have family and friends here. We would save so much money too! Ok, it's about my bed time...good night.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

81 days and counting

Today was a very fun and eventful day. I am exhausted and ready to hit the sack. The weather was awesome. We got up and had breakfast at Wild was sooooooo good. Then Jennifer and I got Chai Tea's from the Java next door! I love their Chai Tea....I need a Java store a little closer to home...MMMMmmmmm. Then we went to the Mall and Whole Foods. I could live in Whole Foods! They were doing a health fair and had tons of stuff going. Let's see...then we went grocery shopping at Wal-mart. After dropping everything off, we went to dinner at Red Robin to celebrate all of the Jan. birthdays! It was a blast. There were 14 of us there and we all had a good time. I was good. I opted for the Garden Burger with Melon Wedges and water to drink! No french fries...ok half of one. For the whole day, I was surprisingly under 2,000 calories! What a great day!

82 days and counting

I am so happy today is Friday. I have a very busy, but fun weekend planned and Greg is in town. Yay. Once Greg got home, he complimented me on how good I look and specific areas that he notices a big difference. That made me feel so good!

I made it this week!I got up every morning and completed my workouts. I amso proud of myself and will definitely keep getting up early to workout. Despite tomorrow being a Saturday morning, I will be getting up at 6:30am to workout. We have some morning plans and I don't want to miss a workout.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

83 days and counting

This week has seemed extremely long and I'm not sure why. I have been thinking so much about things this week. It's almost like I have been in my own little world.

Anyway, Greg comes home tomorrow. Yay...I had a good night. I went to dinner with my parents and Mama. We went to Goose Creek Diner! It was sooooooooo good. I did very well and stuck with the healthier options. I attempted to go grocery shopping, but had to leave before I got everything. Cadence was just not in the mood to grocery shop. She is going through this stage of whining and wanting everything, but that's a kid for ya...LOL. I will go tomorrow night after Greg gets home.

We have a busy weekend planned and I am looking forward to every minute of it!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

84 days and counting

I woke up this morning at 5:30 am to exercise. I almost did not get up and then I told myself that an extra hour of sleep was not worth missing a workout. I feel great. I have plenty of energy first thing in the morning.

I have to admitt that I went over my calorie goal last night, but did not go over 2,000. Ooops. Of course, after I stuff myself full of spaghetti and garlic bread, I did feel miserable. Not to self.....STOP after the first plate or at least wait 20 minutes so that the food can digest.

I am excited about tonight. I am going to get my hair done. I love the red and the short cut, but with next month coming up I need to do something different. I got this haircut and color about 2 weeks after I lost my babies. Naturally, my due date is coming up and I have had the red short hair this whole time so now when I see it I can only think of why I did it. I have decided to go back to my natural color and just get a trim because I am going to let my hair grow back out....maybe shoulder length or just a bit longer. It's time for something different. I'm a new color, hairstyle and losing weight.

I'm also ready for the weekend because Gregory will be coming home. I hope and pray that he can get transferred home soon. As the due date gets closer and closer, I am going to need him to lean on. I just can't get it off of my mind.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

85 days and counting

I am proud to say that I woke up at 5:30 am and exercised. I have been doing the Zumba, but now I really need to add strength training and what not to my workouts. I want to tone everything at the same saggy skin for me. LOL. I have had so much energy today from getting up early and have been in a great mood. I am a little sleepy now, but I think it is due to the weather and the fact that I am ready to call it a day at work. Haha. It's hard to believe that 15 days have passed since I posted my first pictures. I can't wait to see the comparison in another month.

Thank you to everyone for all of the support and encouraging comments.

Monday, January 24, 2011

86 days and counting

So it's 6:25am and I had every intention on getting up at 5:30 am to exercise. Well, I have been using my phone as an alarm clock. Big mistake...apparently it went on the fritz because when I woke up the screen was black and my panel was lit up. I took the battery out and now it is fine. I may need to get a new phone. This isn't the first issue I have had with this one.

Ugh well, I guess I will be exercising when I get home tonight.

So I had my weigh in today.....I am pleased to annouce that I am officially under 200. I currently weigh 199.8! I plan on NEVER being 200 again. The number will only continue to drop from this point! What a way to start the week.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

87 days and counting

Today was a very eventful day. Cadence and I went to church at 9:30. It was very inspiring and a wake up call. As a church, we have a daily reading plan for the bible. I am going to do that. I feel that there is still so much that I need to know and want to learn and what better way to do it than reading the bible.

After church, we were going to have breakfast with my family, but we had to cancel last minute since a few were not feeling well. So Cadence and I ran by Kroger and got some fresh fruit along with stuff for lunch. I went to Gloria's and exercised for an hour. I felt the burn. LOL. Then we all went to Barnes & Noble to meet with some of our knitting friends. It was nice to sit down and catch up. Cadence was knitting all kinds of invisible things...She even made me knitted panties. Haha.

Once we got home, we played in the snow and then came inside to make black bean quesadilla's. Yum-o. Anywho, I have ran on long enough. I am anxious for the weigh-in tomorrow and in an odd way look forward to it every week.

88 days and counting

I cleaned like a mad woman today! I don't know what got into me, but I welcome the energy boost. My office, which was a storage room, is now a working space. I put everything away and got rid of some stuff. It looks so pretty. Now I don't mind being in here for a while. LOL. I also cleaned the living room top to bottom. I aslo spent 2.5 hrs cleaning candle wax out of the carpet and off of my couch. That was a blast! I also cleaned the kitchen. In between all of this, Cadence and I played Zumba on the Wii...well she danced to one song and I finished the rest of the 45 minute workout. I always feel so energized afterwards.

At 9pm, I settled down and watched Twilight! I need to finish the last book. They really are good books....and movies too!

Friday, January 21, 2011

89 days and counting

This morning started off rough. I had issues getting my car doors open. The roads weren't horrible, but they were not the best either. On my way into work, I found out what it was like to be a ping-pong ball. I nearly took out the mailbox for Walgreens in Crestwood and then almost hit the telephone pole. Thankfully, people stopped so I could get my car off the curb that I ran up on. I was a bit shakey, but ok and the car is fine. I am glad that I did not have Cadence with me.

I did not get up to exercise, but will do it tonight when I get home. I have 89 days left and I want to make the most of every day!

90 days and counting

I'm not sure why, but I am in  a funky mood today. I guess I am just more annoyed than anything. I haven't been exercising (no excuses). I'm just here. I am very tired and see myself going to bed early tonight. I really need to try to get up early tomorrow to exercise. I want to lose 3 pounds so it would put me under 200 by Monday...I have had a few bad nights of eating and while my calorie goal is 1115 I have hit close to 2000 for the past few days. I know that just means I will maintain weight. Today marks the 3 months until my goal date. I need to get my motivation back and keep on trucking.

I actually have noticed a difference in the way my clothes fit and while I do not expect everyone to notice my 11 pound one has noticed. That seems a bit odd to me, but I am not going to let it get me down. I am going to get a good nights rest and start tomorrow off fresh.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

91 days and counting

Tonight, Cadence and I went with my mom to a brain injury meeting. It was nice to meet other people who are going through the same things as we are. We all sat and talked together and then split up into groups. I was able to speak with the family members and a doctor. I had a really good time and plan on going more often.

I get concerned about my mom just because she has so much going on. Here lately, she has been losing a lot of weight unintentionally. I am hoping she will be able to gain some of it back and maintain.

Greg submitted his transfer a few days ago. I am hoping it will be approved this time. Now we have to wait and see what happens.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

92 days and counting

Tonight was a bit off. Cadence spent the night with Mama and I was all alone. I did not know what to do with myself. After work, I stopped and got gas then went to Wal-mart to piddle around. After getting home, I made dinner and messed with my sewing machine. I stayed up way too late, but it was a nice night. I did not clean anything! I will get it done another night. Tonight was just for relaxing and vegging. LOL.

I will admit that I ate a little too much and went over my calorie goal, but it was one night.

93 days and counting

Greg went home today. :-( Before leaving he took Cadence to the turned out to be this big ordeal....He had to end up taking her to a kids dentist because we need to get some dental work done! She is just like her mommy....grinds, grinds and grinds. Her mouth is a little crowded too. I am not looking forward to those appointments. I feel like a horrible mom because of what she needs done, but there is nothing I could do to prevent it. We now have her brushing after every meal so if someone is babysitting her, we take the toothbrush and toothpaste with us.

Aside from that, it was a pretty normal Monday. Oh and I lost 3.6 pounds! Go me!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

94 days and counting

It was nice to have Greg home this weekend even though I was really sick. We did not go all! We were complete homebodies the whole weekend. I was able to rest and get better. I am still a little ill, but nothing like I was. I can handle a stuffy nose and a little cough any day. He will be leaving tomorrow to head back to St. Louis. :-( Then I won't see him for two whole weeks. On the bright side of things, I look at it as an opportunity to lose more weight before he returns.

I have set my alarm to get up in the morning to exercise and I know Greg won't just let me roll back over and go back to bed. I need the extra push to get up. Plus, he will be watching Cadence so I will be waking up at the time I normally would to get the day going. Tuesday morning will be interesting. I may try to get up by 5:30 so I have enough time to do my workout and take care of a few other things. I guess we will have to wait and see.

I am super excited about my weigh-in tomorrow. ( I know...I am a total dork.) I feel that I have done very well at watching what I eat and workout out....although, I only exercised the first few days of last week. I will also be posting pictures and updating my weight. Yay...

Saturday, January 15, 2011

95 days and counting

It's hard to believe that in three months it will be Spring time and my goal date. It's even harder to believe that my class reunion is in 7 months. I keep looking forward and picturing what I will look like in 3 months and what I will look like in 7 months for my reunion. I know it may seem clique to want to slim down for the reunion and while I was not the big girl I am now in high school it would still be nice to slim down to something smaller than I was then. I am so proud of myself because I have been working hard. I watch my portions and try to eat healthier.

I am still not feeling the best, but definitely better than yesterday. I took a nap this afternoon and can only do a little at a time. I just feel very weak. I am not one who takes naps, but when I do not feel good I will take one anytime I get the chance.

96 days and counting

What a day....I thought that I was getting better, but no such luck. I actually got worse. I went to work anyway because like most money is tight these days especially with trying to support two households, which is not something we are financiall use to doing. After being at work for a few hours, my boss came in and sent me home with pay! I work for the best people ever! I may have my gripes here or there, but who doesn't! I am very blessed to have the job that I have along with the bosses. After getting home, I drifted in and out of sleep. All I did was sleep. Needless to say, it was another day with no exercise. I know that it would help loosen everything, but I just did not have the energy.

Although there were a few lemons in the day, I know that everything will be fine and will work itself out. I just need to keep my faith.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

97 days and counting

Yay! I am completing today's post before I head off to work on laundry or dishes. LOL. A mother's work is never done. So tonight I went to the grocery....I have started hard-core couponing. Before my coupons the bill was $85 even and after it was $64.80! Not a huge hue savings, but I will take it. I am hoping to get a little better and maybe one day I can be like some of these people who walk out with a $20 bill for a basket load of groceries.

Tonight, I will not be exercising. I feel better than yesterday, but still pretty lousy. Things are a little behind since I went to the store.

I have stayed on my diet and I am anxious for Monday's weigh-in. I made BBQ Chicken Burritos. Yummy! Plus super simple...15 minutes! I got the recipe from I recommend the site. I have gotten a few good recipes from there.

98 days and counting

So I am getting a little off on things. It's probably due to the horrible cold that I have! It feels like I am going to cough a lung or something. It burns as well. I was feeling so bad that I took medicine and went to bed at 8:30. Needless to say, I did not exercise at all. I was barely able to function.

It's bad enough being sick, but worse when you are sick and do not have help at home. Cadence is still giving me fits about taking her medicine. Only 6 days left, but it's going to be a long six days. I have tried everything from mixing it milk or giving her coke (which is something I do not like for her to have). Nothing seems to work. Maybe Daddy will make the difference when he comes home this weekend.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

99 days and counting

Yes, I am posting this a day late and a dollar short. Things got a little busy last night so I am playing catch up now. Yesterday was a little eventful. After dropping off my daughter, I was on my way to a doctor's appointment when my car decided to do a complete 360 on a busy road (Hwy 22). Scary...

Oh I did exercise with the Zumba and Wii Fit. I had a great workout. I just need to put more effort into going to bed earlier in order to get up earlier to exercise.

I am ready for some warmth and Spring weather. I want to get outside to do things! Buuuurrrrrrrrr....too cold right now.

Monday, January 10, 2011

100th day photo

Every Monday I will post two new pictures of myself....if there were only a way to make a photo album on here. Ugh well, a post will work. I am going to post a front and side view picture of myself. I hope over the coming weeks to notice a difference in the pictures. I guess we will have to wait and see. I had a great workout tonight thanks the Zumba for Wii along with My Wii Fit Plus. My ultimate goal is the wake up earlier in the mornings to do's just so hard to get up early.

100 days and counting

Just as most have issues during the holidays...I did too! I have lost and not gained anything back, but very little at a time. I will take some loss over none or gain any day. Now that the holidays are over, I can really start to focus and get my head on straight. I changed my Weight Loss Date and counter. A friend and I are trying to do it together. We are weighing in at work every Monday and set a 13 week, 3 pounds per week goal. The end of the 13 weeks will be April 20th! Needless to say, I am a little behind on my goal. I know that once things begin to warm up, Cadence and I will be outside playing. I was very shocked to weigh myself today considering I was on vacation last week and went to help my best friend with her newborn. I did not track my food on nor did I exercise and somehow I managed to still lose 0.8 pounds! Talk about a mood boost especially when I was anticipating a gain of 2-3 pounds. My new goal is to now write daily keeping in mind that as each day goes by I am one day closer to the new date. I am super pumped and excited to get this weight off.

Tomorrow, I will be going to have my blood work done then I will only have one visit left until I get the final clear. I am excited and nervous all at the same time. Getting pregnant scares me. For now, I am just going to continue to work on the weight loss and then focus on having baby #2. I think being a little slimmer will help although, I know it cannot prevent it from happening again. I have been so worried about NOT getting pregnant, now the thought that it's ok just doesn't feel right. It's hard to explain. Here goes nothing...